Friday, May 15, 2009

WOW - Garage Sale Update

So here is an update on my Within One Week Project. Today was the first day that we had our garage sale and I made about $400 on mainly baby clothes and stuff and DVD's. Thank goodness for my parents because there is no way I could manage a garage sale with a toddler. Also, Jeramy's cousin Lily helped all day as she had stuff as well as his mom and others at the garage sale. Happily there were no takers on the Baby for Sale...I just thought it would be a cute picture. I will post pictures of our CLEAN garage and a total tomorrow! Go Go Go everyone doing projects!


Katy said...

Mia, you have inspired me to do a garage sale! I think that I will take all the toys, clothes and things that I am not passing to family and sell it. We could use some extra cash around here anyway! Good job to you and keep it up! I'll take the baby! :)

Shiloh said...

I wish that my wow project made me some money. Way to go!!!! Yard sales are a lot of work and it looks like you had a really great one. Now the fun part...what to do with the cash!!!