Friday, May 27, 2011

Our New Farm Friends

Up the road from our house there is a little farm on the side of the road, which Sage calls the
"Baby Mama's". Grandma PJ always stops, so now every time she sees the road she HAS to stop. She recognizes the road and tells me to turn right. The other day when we were there, the owners were there, so we got to go in and play. She just LOVES going there. It is very close to the house, so I have a feeling we will be making multiple trips out there all summer! She was RUNNING the whole time, as always, so she really wore herself out!

1 comment:

Katy said...

WHAT HAPPENED TO SAGE??? SHE IS GROWING UP AND IS NOT A BABY ANYMORE!!! I can't believe how big she looks in these pictures?? I need to see you guys!! How about a visit this weekned?? Sunday night??? Seriously!!! LOL I'll call ya!